Arpita Singh

KIIT Deemed to be University, India

Title: Radicular cyst- An overview on clinical features, diagnosis and management


Radicular cysts, also known as periapical cysts, are the most common odontogenic cysts that occur in the periapical region of the tooth. These cysts originate from pulpal necrosis due to caries, trauma, or root canal infection. Despite being asymptomatic in their early stages, radicular cysts can cause significant destructive changes to the surrounding structures if left untreated. The aim of this abstract is to provide an overview of radicular/periapical cysts and highlight their clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment options.
Radicular cysts typically arise as a result of chronic inflammation within the periapical tissues. The cystic lesion is frequently lined by an epithelial lining and can expand gradually, leading to bone resorption, tooth displacement, and sometimes even facial swelling.

Radiographically, these cysts are often seen as well-defined radiolucent lesions with a smooth border in the periapical region of the tooth. The diagnosis of radicular cysts relies on clinical and radiographic findings, but confirmation is obtained through histopathological examination. Treatment options may vary depending on the size and location of the cyst, but usually involve conservative endodontic treatment or surgical enucleation of the cystic lesion. Additional measures may include cystectomy, apicoectomy, or extraction of the affected tooth.

In conclusion, radicular/periapical cysts are common odontogenic cysts with potential for significant dental and facial deformity. Timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment are crucial to prevent further complications. Dental professionals should have a thorough understanding of the clinical features, diagnostic techniques, and treatment modalities to ensure effective management of these cystic lesions.


Dr. Arpita is a hardworking and dedicated doctor who has been working tirelessly in the field of Dentistry for the past 15 years. She is known for her exceptional diagnostic skills and her compassionate approach to patient care. Dr. Arpita often goes above and beyond for her patients, working long hours and sacrificing her personal time to ensure that they receive the best possible care. Despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles, Dr. Arpita remains focused on her mission to help others and make a positive impact on the world. Her determination, resilience, and unwavering commitment to her patients are an inspiration to all who know her.