Talib SH

MGM Medical College, India

Title: Concepts in bronchial asthma: Is asthma related to water?


The disease asthma is probably not a single disease, it is rather a heterogenous disorder with many etiologies and outcomes. Epidemiological studies have given several concepts and definitions of bronchial asthma. The presence of certain symptoms such as wheezy chest to paroxysmal wheezy chest, reversible bronchial conditions, edema, hyperresponsiveness, and inflammation exists in the concept of bronchial asthma as a hierarchy. 
Asthma is also considered a disease in close relation to water. Documents suggest its incidence more in hot humid climates, rain,y, and extreme cold conditions. Asthmatics have inherited defects in the permeability of mucosa to water. Our study has shown results of humidity and temperature about weather and the presence of pollen and fungi in the atmosphere. Inhaled furosemide and its outcome are also worked out in asthmatics and non-asthmatic wheezers. The data will be described and various possible postulations, besides the clinical impact of the study, will be discussed. 


Dr. Talib SH, Department of Medicine, MGM Medical College, India