Tristan John B. Guston

Notre Dame De Chartres Hospital & Bataraza District Hospital, Philippines

Title: Success Rate of Helicobacter pylori Eradication Using Vonoprazan-based Triple Therapy as First-line Treatment at a Tertiary Hospital in Baguio City


Background: Helicobacter pylori is acknowledged to cause chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease and is also implicated in gastric carcinoma and B cell mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma. Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) have been the conventional choice for H. pylori eradication triple therapy, while vonoprazan is a novel drug of its class that was recently studied but is limited to an oral form. According to several systematic reviews and meta-analyses, the vonoprazan-based triple therapy regimen for H. pylori eradication is a non-inferior treatment to traditional PPI-based treatment for patients having no active bleeding. Likewise, a safety profile has been established with its use.

Objectives: The research aims to identify the eradication rate among H. pylori-positive patients who received a vonoprazan-based treatment as outpatient, describe their clinicodemographic profile, and identify potential side effects associated with treatment.

Methods: This study utilized a cross-sectional study design in a single tertiary institution from January 2018 to December 2020. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in data analysis.

Results: 32 (91%) had successful eradication, determined by a negative 13 C-UBT (62.8%) and a negative H. pylori stool antigen (28.6%). Majority of patients with successful eradication belonged to 19 to 39 y/o (50%), clerical support workers (40.63%), having chief complaint of abdominal pain (46.88%), without known comorbidity (75%), and with finding of antral gastritis alone (46.88%). This study described only diarrhea and abdominal pain as side effects (2.9%).

Conclusion: Vonoprazan-based therapy, given at 20 mg twice daily for 7 days, has shown a high eradication rate among hemodynamically stable patients. There was a significant difference in eradication success and failure across comorbidities, with a higher success rate in those without comorbidity. A high success rate was also seen in patients <40 years old, with a single chief complaint, and with antral gastritis as only endoscopic finding.


Dr. Tristan John Guston is a graduate of Saint Louis University College of Medicine in the Philippines. He had his residency training in Internal Medicine at Notre Dame De Chartres Hospital in Baguio City and was certified as a specialist in Internal Medicine at the age of 28 by the Philippine College of Physicians. His research paper during his residency training was then pub-lished in the Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine in 2023.  Currently, he is actively advocating for Public Health and is working as a Medical Specialist in the field of Internal Medicine in the distant town of Bataraza, Palawan for which he intends to conduct studies involving the prevalence of infectious diseases in the locality despite the advances in healthcare.